Buy Cardano in Singapore (ADA)

Helping you securely invest in crypto since 2013.
Licensed under the Payment Services Act (Singapore). License No: PS20200517
ADA: SGD 0.55931
Payment method
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ADA: SGD 0.55836
Withdrawal options
Sell Cardano with FAST bank transfer Sell Cardano with SWIFT

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  • Buy and sell crypto

    You have simple and advanced ways to buy and sell Cardano. Trade using the order book, website, mobile app or the API.

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Buy Cardano from Singapore’s trusted crypto OTC desk

Our over-the-counter (OTC) trading desk offers deeper liquidity and a private, more personalised service for institutional investors and high-net-worth individuals who need to fill large orders that might be too price-disruptive on open markets at exchanges.

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Licensed under the Payment Services Act (Singapore). License No: PS20200517
Licensed under the Payment Services Act (Singapore). License No: PS20200517

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What is Cardano (ADA)?

Cardano is an entirely decentralised public blockchain project. Its developing network currently provides a secure exchange of value and will integrate smart contract support amongst various other applications. Every transaction on the network is permanent, secure, and transparently recorded on the Cardano ledger and, in its current operating form, the project itself solves ongoing blockchain industry issues - one being the ability to scale infinitely.

ADA is the native token of the Cardano network. The token can be traded on exchanges like other cryptocurrencies as well as being transferred instantaneously for a minimal fee. Additionally, ADA can be utilised on Cardano’s proof-of-stake (PoS) protocol, as opposed to standardised blockchain Proof-of-Work protocols (PoW). PoS in the network allows token holders to participate in the blockchain validation process by delegating their ADA in a mining pool and receiving a reward for their stake.

This protocol provides initiative with no need for large computational power present in PoW structures, making Cardano's Protocol one of the first of its kind. Future developments will continue to provide ADA holders with opportunities to utilise their tokens for a variety of applications and services.

Frequently asked questions

Why buy Cardano using Independent Reserve?

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