Knowledge base

How to deposit USD and NZD using SWIFT

Independent Reserve allows you to deposit NZD and USD using SWIFT. Processing times are typically between 1 and 2 days. […]

How to create a personal account

Creating a personal account with Independent Reserve is easy. It takes less than five minutes to sign up and begin […]


What are sub-users? Sub-users are a way to allow other trusted parties access to your account. If you are the […]

Which network are Independent Reserve’s tokens on?

For many of the most popular crypto tokens on the market, they can exist on a number of blockchains thanks […]

Comparing Australian crypto exchange fees

In this article, we’ll compare the fees charged by some of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in Australia. We’ll also examine […]

Understanding order book

What is an order book? An order book is a ledger that contains all pending orders for a particular cryptocurrency. […]