Sell Stellar Lumens in Singapore (XLM)

Quickly and securely, exchange your Stellar Lumens for dollars.
Established in 2013, Independent Reserve is Singaporean’s trusted cryptocurrency exchange.
Licensed under the Payment Services Act (Singapore). License No: PS20200517
XLM: SGD 0.13948
Payment method
Buy Stellar Lumens with FAST bank transfer Buy Stellar Lumens with SWIFT Buy Stellar Lumens with PayNow
XLM: SGD 0.13515
Withdrawal options
Sell Stellar Lumens with FAST bank transfer Sell Stellar Lumens with SWIFT

There are multiple ways to sell

Market sell

Sell Stellar Lumens immediately at the current price.

Limit sell

Sell at a price you set on our order book.

OTC sell

Use our OTC desk to make large block trades and to reduce price slippage.

Auto & API sell

Automated selling of your digital assets using AutoTrader. Alternatively, trade via the API.

Trusted by global partners

  • DBS
  • Fireblocks
  • Ripple
  • Refintiv
  • Bloomberg

Your trusted cryptocurrency exchange

  • Made for you

    Create a personal or business account. Access the award-winning platform 24/7 using the website or mobile app.

    Made for you
  • Instant deposits and withdrawals

    Access the cryptocurrency market 24/7. Instant SGD deposits with PayNow or FAST, and instant SGD withdrawals using FAST.

  • Low fees

    Trading fees start at 0.5% and go down to 0.02%. Low fees apply to instant, crypto and SWIFT withdrawals.

  • Multi-currency trading

    Buy and sell Stellar Lumens and other popular cryptocurrencies with SGD or USD.

Sell Stellar Lumens on the go

Buy, sell and track your cryptocurrency portfolio, anywhere and anytime with the Independent Reserve app.

Independent Reserve crypto exchange mobile app

Awards & Recognition

  • Blockchain Australia Digital Exchange of The Year
  • Deloitte Technology Fast 50 2019 Australia Winner
  • Financial Review Lists 2018 100 Fast
  • Financial Review Most Innovative Companies
  • Financial Times High-Growth Companies Asia-Pacific 2020

Join over 300,000 happy customers

5 stars out of 5

Protecting your assets is our top priority

No commingling of customer funds: we keep client assets completely separate from our own.

1:1 reserves

We maintain a full 1:1 reserve of all client fiat and digital assets.

We hold the vast majority of digital assets in secure offline cold storage protected in underground vaults with maximum security.

Audited and licensed

We are the first crypto exchange to be licensed by MAS.

Our books are balanced and we carry no debt on our balance sheet. We engage external auditors to verify our holdings with annual audits of our financial statements. This includes verification of all fiat and crypto balances held in custody on behalf of clients.

Segregated funds

We do not commingle customer funds. We maintain complete segregation of all client assets to ensure that when you need to make a withdrawal, you can.

We keep your assets safe. That is our promise.

Single purpose asset utilisation

We do not engage in any lending, borrowing or rehypothecation of assets (i.e. pledging assets as collateral for debt). Your assets are used solely for the purpose of enabling you to transact on our platform.

Stellar Lumens price

Live Stellar Lumens (XLM) to SGD price chart.

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Licensed under the Payment Services Act (Singapore). License No: PS20200517
Licensed under the Payment Services Act (Singapore). License No: PS20200517

Singapore’s first licensed crypto exchange for all investors

We are members of

SFA Singapore Fintech Association Access Industry Member Blockchain Association Singapore

What is Stellar Lumens (XLM)?

Stellar (XLM) is an open source network intended to facilitate cross-asset transfers of value at a fraction of the cost and aims to become an open financial system that breaks all barriers to entry by providing people of all levels of income access to low-cost financial services. Stellar handles cross platform transactions and microtransactions between fiat currencies and Cryptocurrencies.

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