Bitcoin Cash Price - BCH/SGD : $507.21

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Order book BCH / SGD

BCH: SGD 514.67
Payment method
Buy Bitcoin Cash with FAST bank transfer Buy Bitcoin Cash with SWIFT Buy Bitcoin Cash with PayNow
BCH: SGD 508.75
Withdrawal options
Sell Bitcoin Cash with FAST bank transfer Sell Bitcoin Cash with SWIFT

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What is Bitcoin Cash (BCH)?

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a hard fork of Bitcoin that increased the block size to 8MB with the intention to help scale the underlying technology of Bitcoin as a transactional currency, rather than a digital investment or store of value. The hard fork (or community-activated update to the protocol) took effect on the 1st of August 2017 and was spearheaded by early Bitcoin evangelist and investor Roger Ver.

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How we treat client assets

No commingling of customer funds: we keep client assets completely separate from our own.

1:1 reserves

We maintain a full 1:1 reserve of all client fiat and digital assets.

We hold the vast majority of digital assets in secure offline cold storage protected in underground vaults with maximum security.

Audited and licensed

We are the first crypto exchange to be licensed by MAS.

Our books are balanced and we carry no debt on our balance sheet. We engage external auditors to verify our holdings with annual audits of our financial statements. This includes verification of all fiat and crypto balances held in custody on behalf of clients.

Segregated funds

We do not commingle customer funds. We maintain complete segregation of all client assets to ensure that when you need to make a withdrawal, you can.

We keep your assets safe. That is our promise.

Single purpose asset utilisation

We do not engage in any lending, borrowing or rehypothecation of assets (i.e. pledging assets as collateral for debt). Your assets are used solely for the purpose of enabling you to transact on our platform.