IRCI Singapore 2021 Read report Independent Reserve Cryptocurrency Index
(IRCI) Singapore 2024
Bitcoin Blog Australian
Independent Reserve
Cryptocurrency Index (IRCI) 2024
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Bitcoin Blog Press Release:
Almost one in five Australians
now own cryptocurrency
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Blogs, news and announcements

Market update

In Markets Although crypto has been dealing with its own issues, macro factors appear to be having the biggest impact. […]

Market update

In Markets Bitcoin saw its worst month on record in June with a 38% fall, while Ether lost 47%. Contagion […]

Market update 20220628

In Markets Things are starting to settle down, but with the effects of various collapses, bad loans and forced selling […]

Crypto market update 20220621

In Markets Sad news this week after Bitcoin died for the 455th time. This time it’s serious however with Google […]

Market update

In Markets Bitcoin has stabilised by 4% in the past 24 hours, and finishes the week down 31% at US$22,150, or […]

IR is 9 banner

Happy 9th Birthday Independent Reserve! When we first started, Bitcoin was at $12 and Ethereum was just a twinkle in […]