Buy Basic Attention Token (BAT)
How to buy Basic Attention Token
Register, deposit and buy in 5 minutes.
1. Create account
Securely create your personal or business account and verify your identity.
2. Deposit funds
Deposit USD, AUD or NZD using SWIFT, PayID or NPP.
3. Buy Basic Attention Token (BAT)
Enter the dollar amount you want to trade for BAT and click “Buy”.
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What is Basic Attention Token (BAT)?
Basic Attention Token (BAT) is a project that is led by Breandan Eich (co-founder of Mozilla and creator of JavaScript), which is a decentralised and open source advertising exchange platform that is built on the Ethereum network. The project ultimately seeks to improve the digital advertising space by correctly pricing user attention for advertisers and publishers. Advertisers use the token BAT to pay website publishers for the attention of users.
Basic Attention Token utilises the Brave ecosystem which is an open-source browser that leverages blockchain technology to anonymously track user attention to reward publishers correctly.
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